Ristretto del Mediterraneo ... [with] Parte Orientale del Mediterraneo ...

Autore: Vincenzo Maria Coronelli Anno: 1690

foto Ristretto del Mediterraneo ... [with] Parte Orientale del Mediterraneo ...

altra foto Ristretto del Mediterraneo ... [with] Parte Orientale del Mediterraneo ...

Map Maker: Vincenzo Maria Coronelli
Title: Ristretto del Mediterraneo ... [with] Parte Orientale del Mediterraneo ...
Title: Italia Parte Occidentale . . . (and) Italia Parte Orientale . . .
Coloring: Hand Colored
Size: 23 x 18 (each) inches - Size: 36 x 25.5 (if joined) inches
Description: Fine example of Coronelli's 4-sheet map of the Mediterranean Sea, published in Venice.
Monumental map of the Mediterranean, produced in association with J.B.Nolin in Paris. The main title is on banner in a large cartouche top left, with a secondary title in a garland above Greece; an "explanation" is on a banner draped between an elephant, a Venetian lion and an eagle, and the scale cartouche is decorated with a pair of compasses. Around the map are scattered the armorials of cities and states.
Vincenzo Coronelli apprenticed as a Xylographer, before joining the Convental Franciscans in 1665. In about 1678, after studying Astronomy and Euclid, Coronelli began working as a geographer and was commissioned to make a set of Terrestrial and Celestial Globes Ranuccio II Farnese, the Duke of Parma which were 5 feet in diameter. C oronelli was next invited to Rome to construct a similar pair of Globes for Louis XIV. From 1681 to 1683, Coronelli lived in Paris, where he constructed a pair of 10 foot diameter globes for the King, at a weight of nearly 4000 pounds.
The fame and importance of Coronelli's globe led to the production of a 42 inch diameter globe in 1688, for which complete of examples of which reside in a number of major institutional collections around the world. Separate globe gore sheets from this famous globe periodically appear on the market. Coronelli worked for a number of years as a Geographer and Theologian, before returning to Venice in 1705, where he published his Atlante Veneto and Corso Geographico and founded the Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti.

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